
Van Kúš


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I hold you on my chest

like a burning silver cross

/I'm holding my breath

your tongue on my chest/

like a burning silver cross

red light crests the moons...crest

like a burning silver cross

a nest of birds under your breasts

like a burning silver cross

the viola tinted lune

like a burning silver cross

a violet flower blooms in my hands

like a burning silver cross

you lick your bleeding lips

like a burning silver cross

your shine is the frostbitten road

like a burning silver cross

spider-webbing street lights

like a burning silver cross

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when we touch,

pain and suffering paints us bright

like a burning silver cross


A vampire's dying from it's light

and he burns

and he dies

don't put that stake through his hearth

stab him right in his eyes

Like Oidipus, I/You realized

Kornel Krakovský

Kornel Krakovský

  • Počet článkov:  147
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  • Páči sa:  1x

Autor diel. XY to the front to the back to the front to the back to the front Zoznam autorových rubrík:  NezaradenéSúkromné

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